May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day.

to all the mother's out there.
thank you.
you've sacrificed a lot.
you've gone through a lot.
you deserved to be honored everyday.
but we neglect you until we "have" to celebrate you.
but you are worth celebrating everyday.
you deserve flowers everyday.
breakfast in bed everyday.
love everyday.
we will always remember you.
you will always have a special place in our hearts.
we will always love you.
no matter what.

May 8, 2009


on the opposite side of my first post.
seven days until I go back home.
and I'm ready.
this is probably my last full summer in amarillo.
which means i have to make it a good one.
It's been a good year.
a lot better than I expected.
I'm going to miss denton
and my friends
but there's always next semester.

besides, I get to go home to this.

October 27, 2008


so it's been a while.

landon is great.
denton is super.
school is boring.
money is tight.
plasma is coming.
job is nonexistent.
weather is cold.
zebra cakes are good.
coffee is hot.
homework sucks.
major is undecided.
hair is white.
lava lamp is flowing.

im just rambling now.
life is good.
im genuinely happy.

May 17, 2008


one week left.
im ready.

but terrified.